The Life and Times of Gregory P David

Gregory David is a man of international mystery. Travelling around the globe, he has had many adventures. From the mean streets of upstate NY to the jungles of Brazil, his stories have inspired a generation of young narcoleptics. Beginning with his famous bed, the exciting tale’s of Greg are known throughout the world. He started life as a child, but progressed through different ages, including his college years, his life as an Air Force officer, and now married with one child, Greg continues his adventures representing the government of the United States.

The bed

Gregory believed he was invincible. He believed that the enchantment of his bed would keep him safe from any harm. He had become very skilled at rolling and rolling, and slept better than most people. When he would finally wake up, he would still find his room the same. No monsters. No burglars. No ghosts. Nothing. For all his success, he had no proof of it, not even a photograph. Then one night he woke up, and saw something he never expected to see in his bedroom. A poster of himself, in his element, fast asleep and cuddled in his bed. In this picture, he can be seen lying on his back, half spread-eagled, and still very much asleep. His eyes are shut, his mouth is open, and he is still wearing his old shirt, complete with wrinkles, and his favorite Sperry’s, his shoes, and his jeans.

The government

Although Greg does not talk about it often, his work does involve the Department of Homeland Security (DHS). In order to deal with his abilities as a narcoleptic pilot, he was assigned to the Intelligence Team of a Joint Task Force of the United States and allied South American Nations. This Intelligence Team is the head of an elite cell of “Bundled.” They wear a substance around their arms which slowly drips out the pores of the skin. They are highly skilled combat fighters. They are guided by “the Quad” who has been working for the government for about 20 years. He explains that the original Bundled was training the fighters when a member of the quad escaped and then again when the United States decided that they no longer needed the school.

The military

In the military he discovered a way to dream without waking. The military that had always been there but never apparent, was now his calling. As a public service, he is on a quest to find his brother that is missing in action and is part of the CIA’s anti-drug task force. Dogs Greg is afraid of small dogs and large. He believes that one large dog could take him down. It is said that he has one fear only, dogs that are under a foot tall. I think that is a very strange fear for a man that lives on dogs. The breakfast club Greg always carries a handwritten menu from Cracker Barrel with him wherever he goes. He was most likely a prankster in his past and was bullied for his lunchbox contents. He also says that he is very slow at cooking.

The Adventures

His most recent adventure is related to travel, although he is not much of a person to stay in one place for too long. He is currently a long-haul truck driver, which is quite an accomplishment for someone who claims to never sleep. He is an inveterate traveller and can be found in some of the worlds greatest cities. Of course, none of these things would be possible if he didn’t have his alter-ego, his three green dalmatians who accompany him around the world. He loves these guys and feels very lucky that they allow him to travel as freely as he does. Gregory David’s life is the stuff of legends.


And the title of the travel log, is, In New Orleans, sipping Bloody Mary’s after the legendary Swamp Boggin’s restaurant and making sure to get a second bowl while looking at the lovely cocksure lady enjoying the festivities in the man with a dog. The series is about an American man named Gregory David who goes on many weird adventures. He always goes missing before the end of the episode. Each episode has an introduction where Gregory talks about the nature of his life. There is a lot of stuff about narcolepsy and his search for a cure. Gregory also talks about his childhood and his pursuit of a job in the Air Force. He is a very interesting man. I would love to meet him some day.

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