Conservative Media Figure Temporarily Suspended from Twitter Over Vegetable Tirade

The Daily Wire’s Jeremy Boreing was temporarily suspended from Twitter due to a “breach of policy” over a joke about Brussels sprouts.

— Jeremy Boreing (@JeremyDBoreing) September 5, 2018

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The tweet was in response to The Daily Wire’s Emily Zanotti, who had recommended a way to eat the vegetable.

“Brussels sprouts are great tossed in salt, pepper and garlic powder, then roasted with chopped bacon. Drizzle a little balsamic vinegar and serve. Heaven,” she tweeted.

Brussels sprouts are great tossed in salt, pepper and garlic powder, then roasted with chopped bacon. Drizzle a little balsamic vinegar and serve. Heaven.

— Emily Zanotti (@emzanotti) December 30, 2018

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Boreing, who is apparently not a fan of the cruciferous vegetable, replied with his own recipe for the ideal treatment of sprouts:

“Even better, coat with melted butter, salt, pepper, paprika and a dash of Worcestershire, sear in a cast iron in bacon grease for thirty seconds or until brown, then throw them away and burn your face off with the hot pan because even that would be better than Brussels sprouts.”

Even better, coat with melted butter, salt, pepper, paprika, and a dash of Worcestershire, sear in cast iron in bacon grease for thirty seconds or until brown, then throw them away and burn your face off with the hot pan because even that would be better than Brussels sprouts.

— Jeremy Boreing (@JeremyDBoreing) December 30, 2018

That recommendation landed Boreing in the virtual slammer for “violating our rules against promoting or encouraging suicide or self-harm,” according to Twitter.

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The Daily Wire’s Ben Shapiro tweeted about the suspension when he learned of it.

“This is legitimately the most insane Twitter suspension I have ever heard of,” Shapiro tweeted.

“My business partner, @JeremyDBoreing, was just suspended for 12 hours for this tweet. Why? Because it was supposedly “promoting or encouraging self-harm.” IT’S A JOKE ABOUT BRUSSELS SPROUTS. WTF @jack”

This is legitimately the most insane Twitter suspension I have ever heard of. My business partner, @JeremyDBoreing, was just suspended for 12 hours for this tweet. Why? Because it was supposedly “promoting or encouraging self-harm.” IT’S A JOKE ABOUT BRUSSELS SPROUTS. WTF @jack

— Ben Shapiro (@benshapiro) January 3, 2019

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Zanotti, the person to whom the tweet was directed, tweeted an assurance that Boreing was not, in fact, encouraging her to harm herself.

“Oh, in case @jack is watching, no, Jeremy did NOT, in fact, make me want to maim my own face with a hot frying pan. Thank you.”

Oh, in case @jack is watching, no, Jeremy did NOT, in fact, make me want to maim my own face with a hot frying pan. Thank you.

— Emily Zanotti (@emzanotti) January 3, 2019

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The persistent @jack that The Daily Wire personalities continue to refer to is Jack Dorsey, the co-founder and chief executive officer of Twitter.

Shapiro had his own idea as to why Twitter would have paid attention to Boreing’s innocuous tweet.

“Here’s likely what happened: some motivated moron decided to flag the tweet and send it to Twitter, and Twitter, doing their typical bang-up job of banning conservatives before asking why, just hit the suspend button without a second thought.”

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Here’s likely what happened: some motivated moron decided to flag the tweet and send it to Twitter, and Twitter, doing their typical bang-up job of banning conservatives before asking why, just hit the suspend button without a second thought.

— Ben Shapiro (@benshapiro) January 3, 2019

Boreing’s account has since been restored, and the offending tweet was left on his profile.

“From Avalon-in-the-West, I have returned,” Boreing tweeted. “Upon appeal, my joke about not eating leafy green vegetables was determined to be a joke about not eating leafy green vegetables.

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“Thanks for the kindness, all. And thanks for the quick correction, @jack. Now, about that blue check mark…”

From Avalon-in-the-West, I have returned.Upon appeal, my joke about not eating leafy green vegetables was determined to be a joke about not eating leafy green vegetables. Thanks for the kindness, all. And thanks for the quick correction, @jack. Now, about that blue check mark…

— Jeremy Boreing (@JeremyDBoreing) January 3, 2019

Shapiro did, however, consider the possibility that someone could consider self-harm after reading Boreing’s tweet, and sent this message to his followers:

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“For those who are considering suicide by hot frying pan after cooking brussels sprouts, remember — you matter. Your life matters. Call the suicide hotline at 1-800-273-8255.”

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