TAGAP: Official Website

April 25th, 2021

World Penguin Day 2021!

GOTY 2020

(this is actual gameplay footage)

It is April 25th and that means… World Penguin Day!

As it is customary here in the land of TAGAP, that means more new screenshots. This one is from the first boss fight with the Nemesis. As you can see, the TAGAP 4 key art introduced in December isn’t just a flashy design – that’s pretty much how these two birbs duelling plays out!

Happy waddlin’ penguin day!

February 3rd, 2021

Penguin DT’s Games of the Year 2020

GOTY 2020

Fashionably late as always – time to celebrate some good games! It is the 9th annual Penguin DT ‘Games of the Year’ showcase, where we share some of our favourite games from the bonkers year that was 2020. I’ve said this before, but it bears repeating; the year might’ve sucked in many ways, but we did get plenty of really darn good games music.

Congratulations to all the winners from us Finnish penguins!

January 20th, 2021

Celebrating the Penguin Awareness Day 2021!

TAGAP 4 Screenshot 11

(this is actual gameplay footage)

It’s Penguin Awareness Day! It being kind of a big thing here in Penguin DT HQ, it is time to celebrate with a new TAGAP 4 screenshot. In a previous blog post I mentioned a level that was heavily inspired by Metallica’s take on ‘The Iron Foundry’ by Alexander Mosolov. I’m happy to say that it really shows.

Have a fun Penguin Awareness Day!



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