Raleigh Holds Graduation & Presents Awards – Bernews

Raleigh Bermuda recently held its 2023 Venturers’ graduation ceremony at Deloitte Bermuda and presented various awards.

A spokesperson said, “The graduating group completed one of Bermuda’s most intensive local training programmes, which included personal development, advanced survival skills, and an intensive fitness regime. Raleigh Bermuda’s training camp is not an easy task – it requires of our young people to be challenged in all areas of life – mentally, emotionally, physically, and spiritually.

“After completing the local training camps, our Venturers are then sent overseas for 10 weeks to continue their advanced survival training – an expedition in the remote jungles, mountains, and rivers of Costa Rica and working with the indigenous communities by helping to build schools, irrigation systems, engaging in environmental projects, and trekking for several weeks through the jungles.”

Dany Rodriguez, Raleigh Executive Director, said, “The three final graduates we witness today succeeded in completing their advanced local training camps and their overseas expedition.

“Our community funds have helped to provide them with an opportunity of a lifetime where they were able to acquire an international level of education, cultural literacy, and world-wide exposure.

“Today we also celebrate our 2023 Raleigh graduates and the rite of passage and acknowledgement of our young Bermudians stepping into manhood and womanhood. I am extremely proud of all of them.”

The spokesperson said, “On behalf of Raleigh Bermuda’s President, Gita Blakeney-Saltus, Chairman Tasha Jones, and the Board, they also send their congratulations to the graduates and officially welcome them into the Raleigh family as alumni.

“Our 2023 graduating Venturers are:

“A special thank you our Programme Coordinator, Keri Pacheco, who played an instrumental role in mentoring and coaching our Venturers and working personally with their families to help them succeed in this journey.

“At the graduation ceremony this year also, the Alumni of the Year Award was presented to Milvin DeRosa. Milvin was recognized for the award because of his selfless and ongoing volunteer leadership with Raleigh Bermuda.

“The Raleigh Parent of the Year award was presented to Mrs. Nicole Warren. This award is voted by Raleigh parents and celebrates a parent who has gone the extra mile in advocating for Raleigh Bermuda, supporting their children’s growth, fostering a sense of togetherness within our community, and encouraging other young adventurers. The Parent of the Year award honours those who embody kindness, unity, and the spirit of a caring village, making families and our entire community stronger.

“The Raleigh Bermuda Venturers’ Scholarship Programme is an alternative skills-based education programme for young adults ages 17 to 24-years-old. The scholarship programme is fully subsidised through community donations. Upon completion of the programme, participants graduate with a certificate and become alumni with opportunities of becoming Project Managers, Mentors, Coaches and Board Members in the organization.

“The programme helps young Bermudians ages 17 to 24-years-old by providing them with a year-long personal development programming through coaching, local training camps, and the opportunity of an overseas expedition.

“Raleigh Bermuda is excited to announce Yeshai Burgess as the awardee for the Malcolm K. Outerbridge Award and Michael J. Spurling Raleigh Champion Award.

“The Malcolm K. Outerbridge Transformation Award is presented to the participant who is deemed by their peers to have had the greatest transformation.”

“The Malcolm K. Outerbridge Transformation Award sponsored by Deloitte Bermuda was presented by Ms. Leah Amaral [Deloitte Marketing Manager] and Ms. Kaywell Outerbridge [Raleigh Board Member].

“The Michael J. Spurling Raleigh Champion Award sponsored by Raleigh founder Michael J. Spurling is presented to the participant who is an engaged, active volunteer and Raleigh advocate, chosen by Executive Director Dany Rodriguez.

“Last year’s Raleigh Champion 2022 recipient was Ajahni Roberts-Smith, who was also present at the graduation ceremony to help pass the Raleigh Champion award to Yeshai Burgess.”

Dany Pen, Raleigh Executive Director, said, “Congratulations Yeshai, we are deeply proud of you, and we hope the award will help you transition into the next phase of your young adult life whether it be with education advancement, skill development or support in your life’s journey.”

The spokesperson said, “For more details about Raleigh Bermuda’s Venturers’ Scholarship Programme, please contact Raleigh Bermuda at [email protected] or call 333-5678 or visit raleigh.bm.”

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